
Benefits of Lap-Band Surgery

Benefits of Lap-Band Surgery
Weight Loss Surgery
The pouch that is created with the Lap-Band procedure can generally hold about 30 ml. As the small pouch fills up quickly after just a few bites, the brain receives a message that the body is full. As a result of the procedure, patients feel fuller faster and get hungry less often, so they eat significantly less and lose weight quickly.

Weight Loss Surgery
On average, Lap-Band patients lose 1-2 pounds per week. Some patients may lose at an even faster rate initially. Although initial weight loss takes longer, current research indicates that over time, weight loss results are comparable to the results from gastric bypass surgery.

Weight Loss Surgery
In addition, gastric banding is easily reversable–a doctor can remove the Lap-Band in a follow up surgery, if necessary. Many patients choose the Lap-Band procedure for this reason. Unlike the gastric bypass, Lap-Band surgery does not cut or reconnect any part of the stomach or intestine.

Weight Loss Surgery
 Gastric banding patients also generally do not have the same issues with nutritional deficiency that can occur with a gastric bypass. On the flip side, however, Lap-Band patients require more frequent follow up visits for band adjustments. And, as with any major surgery, complications are possible.

Weight Loss Surgery
 If you are considering weight loss surgery, consult with a bariatric specialist to determine whether the Lap-Band procedure is right for you.

Weight Loss Surgery
Want to see the Lap-Band in action? Watch this two-minute video about the Lap-Band procedure to understand how adjustable gastric banding promotes rapid weight loss.

